
Solid Wings daughter
Amber Autumn Celtic Wings

Huacaya, Open (Female), | White

ARI# 35590576, D.O.B. 5/29/2019,



Sire: Snowmass Wings of Legends ARI# 32124057 BG  
Dam: Amber Autumn Clover ARI# 35272038 LF  


Who doesn't want to have a Snowmass Wings of Legends daughter in their program. Amber Autumn Celtic Wings is a very solid female. Celtic Wings stands out as she carries on a stylish head followed up with big bone structure, caring on that big wide frame that should easily carry a cria for production. Looking closer at Celtic Wings, not only does she have excellent leg coverage, full of fleece, but she displays a good amount of density, showing off her brightness in her lovely white fleece. Added that Celtic Wings also produces a long staple that with all these things added together giving her a heavy blanket. Taking a dive into her fleece, you will find a high amplitude crimp style, mostly that appealing zipper crimp that carries through her shoulder, mid side, and hip but also holding the uniformity down to the belly. Celtic Wings sells open but can be bred to any sole owned Amber Autumn males for a discounted breeding fee.