Scan of 2018 fleece

Sire: Snowmass Enlightened

Full Sister Skyline's Amor

Beautiful Enlightened Daughter
Skyline's Lemon Tart

Huacaya, Female, Unproven | Medium Fawn

ARI# 35314653, D.O.B. 8/22/2017, 3/8 Peruvian, 1/8 Chilean

Sale Pending

Sire: Snowmass Enlightened ARI# 31795739 Medium Rose Grey  
Dam: Skyline's Mahogany Mist ARI# 31612470 Dark Brown  


Skyline’s Lemon Tart is a Beautiful Med. Fawn, Enlightened daughter, out of Skyline’s Mahogany Mist, one of our best producers! Lemmon Tart is the full sister to the 2016 Alpacapalooza Grey Color Champion, Skyline's Amora, who Sold at the Snow Diamond auction to Majestic Meadows. We love Lemon Tart but we have to reduce the number of females we have on our farm and we have her ½ sister Lemon Kiss. Lemon Tart’s fleece is bright, dense and crimpy, just look at the scan of her fleece! This year her total fleece weight was 9.74! and her blanket was 5.94! She has incredible staple length, a trait she got from her sire Snowmass Enlightened. Again, we hate to part with Lemon Tart, but we need to downsize. I’m sure you will be trilled with her purchase.