Dam: Pizzicato CCH GWAS

Sire: Zacchaeus

Skyline's Sonata

Huacaya, Female, Unproven | True Black

ARI# 35314394, D.O.B. 7/25/2016, 1/2 Peruvian

Sire: WP Zacchaeus ARI# 32757378 Medium Silver Grey  
Dam: Skyline's Pizzicato_deleted_7/6/2024 11:45:21 PM ARI# 30852860 True Black  


Skyline’s Sonata is the product of two of our outstanding alpacas and we were not disappointed. Sonata’s Dam is Skyline’s Pizzicato, our amazing True Black Color Chanpion and 4x blue ribbon winner! She has produced many wonderful cria for us and Sonata fits right in to that group. Her Sire is WP Zacchaeus who is a MFI Pools of Silver son who has been doing a nice job for us here on the farm.

Sonata is pitch black with nice brightness and a nice handle. She showed in two very competitive shows and took a 4th out of 11 and a 5th out of 10. We felt lucky to get a ribbon as the quality of the blacks last season was amazing! Her histogram was 20.5 AFD, 4.7 SD, 22.8 CV, 5.2 %>30u. Nice!


2017 Alpacapalooza - out of 11! FFH Juvenile
2017 CABA Classic - out of 10! FFH Juvenile