Awesome 2015 Enlightened girl Cria

Gentian's 2014 Cria - Sold

Service Sire: Enlightened

Sire: Deacon Grey


Fiber/Scientific Data

2016Her Enlightened Daughter's fleece - 16.2 AFD; 3.1 SD; 19.4 CV; 0.4 %>30
20167th Fleece - 22.4 AFD, 5.5 SD, 24.5 CV, 8.3 %30
20123rd fleece - 20.5 AFD, 5.1 SD, 24.6 CV, 5.3 %.30
Bred to Enlightened -due 5/17/17
BOA Deacon's Gentiana

Huacaya, Female, Proven | Medium Silver Grey

ARI# 30635319, D.O.B. 10/14/2009, 1/4 Peruvian, 1/4 Chilean

Sire: MILE HIGH DEACON GREY ARI# 1280913 Medium Silver Grey  
Dam: BOA Bonnie's Lupine ARI# 30635418 True Black  
Service Sire: Snowmass Enlightened ARI# 31795739 Medium Rose Grey Due Date: 5/17/2017  


News Flash***
Gentian's 2016 Histogram... Impressive at 6+ years of age! 22.4 AFD, 5.5 SD, 24.5 CV, 8.3 %>30u!

BOA Deacon’s Gentiana is a gorgeous Medium Silver Grey daughter of Mile High Deacon Grey, a 14X Champion, including the 2007 Futurity Grey Color Championship. Gentian is also a Silver Charm granddaughter! Gentian has a beautiful nearly spot free fleece that has maintained its fineness over the years, 22.4 AFD at nearly 6 years of age. No surprise given her outstanding genetics.

In addition to being a beautiful alpaca, Gentian is a great mom. She delivered an awesome Silver Grey male for us in 2014. AND,

Gentian delivered an awesome 2015 cria as well. She is the most amazing little Light Silver Grey girl out of Enlightened! She is so Dense and Crimpy. A Keeper for sure! Named Day Dreamer, she went on to take a 2nd at the 2016 CABA Classic in the Juvenile LSG FFH class. Our Auction gal, Adriana, placed 1st!

We would love to keep Gentian as a production female but we need to cut back on our breeding females and we plan to keep her amazing 2015 cria, Day Dreamer. We love this cria so much we bred Gentian back to Enlightened for a 2017 cria. We will be thrilled with a repeat, but you could be too with the purchase of Gentian. Included in the purchase is free board for Gentian until she is 90 days pregnant.


Never shown as we purchased her at 3 years of age. Her Enightened daughter took a 2nd at CABA Classic!