Full Peruvian
Chase Tavern Nayla Gold

Huacaya, Female, Proven | Light Fawn

ARI# 850816, D.O.B. 9/29/2003, Full Peruvian

Sire: 4Peruvian Altiplano Gold ARI# 166567 Beige  
Dam: PPeruvian Ollanta B4280 ARI#  
Service Sire: MFI Peruvian Magistrate ARI# 31229319 Medium Fawn  


This stunning elite full Peruvian female, Nayla Gold, is a product of the nationally known Championship line of 4Peruvian Altiplano Gold. Her dam, PPeruvian Ollanta is one of Chase Tavern Farm’s renowned production females producing many correct and stylish, ribbon-winning cria. Nayla has a size and bone structure that are wonderful attributes in a production females, but her fleece is even more amazing. She has a bold, highly defined crimp with exceptional brilliance and fineness to her fleece.


4th Place, Alpaca Western Extravaganza
1st Place, AOBA National