Ariel Fleece

Sire: Phoenix

Dam: Axial


Full Peruvian, Phoenix Daughter
Skyline's Peruvian Ariel

Huacaya, Female, Unproven | Medium Fawn

ARI# 31613262, D.O.B. 5/22/2009, Full Peruvian

Sire: Accoyo America Phoenix ARI# 851807 Medium Fawn  
Dam: My Peruvian Axial ARI# 833403 True Black  


Skyline’s Peruvian Ariel is one of Peruvian Axial’s awesome Phoenix crias. Ariel has a very bright and dense fleece with nice crimp structure, an incredible head, and is conformationally strong. One only has to look at the pedigree to understand why this combination is impressive. Ariel’s True Black Dam, Axial, was sired by Matador. Phoenix has a True Black Dam sired by Camilio, and his sire is Vic Jr. who has both Victor and Hemingway in his background. Ariel holds her own as a Medium Fawn, but she has great black genetics as well.

Ariel's Dam and Sire combination has been incredibly productive for our farm, and while we just adore Ariel, we can’t keep all three of Axial’s Phoenix crias! Ariel will be a perfect female to add to your colored breeding program especially if you’re interested in Full Peruvian genetics.

Maiden Breeding:
If the purchase price is $4000 or more, you will receive a maiden breeding free of charge to any of our herdsires, including Donato.

Included in the breeding is 60 days free board plus one ultrasound. These breedings are not transferable.