1st AWE

Sire: Nuance

Dam: Axial

Cria Mocha-Latte


18.9 AFD at 4 years, 2x Blue Winner
Skyline's Guinness

Huacaya, Herdsire (Male), Proven | Dark Silver Grey

ARI# 30852754, D.O.B. 7/24/2006, 3/4 Peruvian, 1/4 Chilean

Stud Fee:

Ask for Fee

Sire: Snowmass Nova's Nuance ARI# 840847 Bay Black  
Dam: My Peruvian Axial ARI# 833403 True Black  


Skyline’s Guinness is, just simply put, one of my favorite crias from the 2006 crop. He has a compact correct conformation, with a beautiful head and striking eyes. He is a 2x Blue Ribbon winner as his fleece is outstanding --dense, bright, and fine with a nice high frequency crimp. His May 2007 histogram was 15.7 AFD, 3.1 SD, 19.8 CV and 0.4 %>30u. Plus, Guinness has maintained his fineness over the years acheiving a 2010 histogram of 18.9 AFD, 4.3 SD, 22.9 CV and 1.8 %>30u. Guinness' outstanding fleece impressed the judges as well. In 2007 Guinness has shown in both Dark Silver Grey, placing 2nd at Alpacapalooza, and in Indefinite Dark winning a 1st at Western Alpaca Extravaganza, and a 5th at The Futurity and finishing his Juvenile season with a Blue Ribbon at AOBA Nationals.

Guinness' show career was no surprise to us given his impressive genetics. Both his parents have produced many ribbon winning cria. His Dam, My Peruvian Axial, is a Full Peruvian Black Dam sired by 4Peruvian Matador, and his Sire is our outstanding Bay Black Nova son, Snowmass Nova’s Nuance. Guinness' ability to hold fineness at 4 years of age is just one indicator of these quality genetics. We expect he will pass this trait on to his offspring as well.

His first cria arrived in 2009, and she is a real beauty, Med. Brown with a white face and tuxedo front, out of a white dam. Mocha-Latte has a dense, fine fleece that has brightness as well. We expect Guinness will continue to throw cria of this quality for you. If your breeding for Black and Grey, you just can't go wrong with this young herdsire.


2007 Alpacapalooza
2007 Alpaca Western Extravaganza
2007 The Futurity
2007 AOBA Nationals