2010 Cria -Rose/Purple Grey

2009 Cria

Dam: Francy


Sire: Leon, Dam: Grey Felix daughter
Skyline's Francine

Huacaya, Female, Proven | Medium Fawn

ARI# 30852730, D.O.B. 9/10/2006, 3/4 Peruvian, 1/4 Chilean

Sire: PPeruvian Leon G4560 ARI# 123056 Medium Fawn  
Dam: HDF Francy ARI# 1216035 Medium Silver Grey  


Skyline’s Francine has got the genetics you want if you're breeding for quality color. Her mother is a rare Med. Silver Grey Felix Daughter and her Sire is PPeruvian Leon. These genetics give Francine a Grey background as well as being 3/4 Accoyo. Francine has an outstanding head, correct conformation and she has dense, fine fleece. Her yearling fleece had an 18.1 AFD, 4.5 SD, 23.8, CV, 2.8 %>30u histogram and she has maintained a soft handle as she has matured. Last spring her fleece weight was 9.3 lbs.

Francine is a proven and excellent mother. She has plentiful milk and is very attentive to her crias--everything you are looking for in a foundation female! She gave us an outstanding Invincible daughter in 2009. Franchesca looks just like mom and we plan to keep her in our herd. In 2009, with Francine’s grey background, we bred her to our newest herdsire, ATV Silver Elation for a 2010 cria. We were very excited about this pairing and had high hopes for a grey. El Dorado, a Light Rose Grey, didn't disappoint. No surprise, as he combines Felix, Leon genetics from his Dam’s side, and Mr. Roosevelt, Shaquille, and Silvio from the Sire’s side.

Francine is one of our quality foundation females that we hate to part with, but we are trying to keep our numbers down so we are offering some of our best for sale.