Bred to Tikaui's Oneida of Harmony
Rama (Eagle Valley's Rama)
Suri, Female, Proven | Light Fawn
ARI# 32745955, D.O.B. 4/20/2013,
31555241 Light Fawn After a very successful show career, Pushkin is now a proven Eagle Valley Herdsire. His cria are everything we hoped they would be. They exhibit the same luster, fineness, density and solid bone that put Pushkin at the top of his field in the show ring. Only one of his offspring has been shown so far but as a juvenile she won R.C.C. in that very tough white class at Alpacapalooza and the Suri Network fleece show.
Dam: RACHEL'S DANCER ARI# 30984042 Light Fawn
Service Sire: ONEIDA ( Tikanui's Oneida of Harmony) ARI#
35082552 Beige Due Date: 6/17/2021 Oneida is the product of a powerhouse match between BBFAI Crystal (HHSF Accoya LaFite’s Mont Blanc) and Pucara Puresuri Tikanui (Pucara Kahuna).
His sire, at 10 years old, is still in the top 1% EPDs. He won multiple 1st Place Get of Sire and Futurity's Light Herdsire of the Year in 2015, 2017, and 2018. His dam, BBFAI Crystal, a multi championship winner, and at age 8 was still in the top 1% EPDs in 6 traits.
Oneida has all of the desirable traits for an ideal herdsire. He has maintained his Top 1% EPDs in 6 categories along with SHIP scores were 5 of 5 possible points in all conformational characteristics, and nothing lower than a 4.5 out of 5 in fleece characteristics.
In 2019, at age 37 months, Oneida's biopsy proved his amazing fleece characteristics. Dr. Norm Evans noted the appearance of large fiber clusters that were very uniform in size and placement within his connective tissue. His density measured 64.5 follicles per SQ MM and a S/P ratio of 13.1 to 1. with AFD of 20.84 microns.
His 2023 EPD ranking confirms his prepotence and excellence:
AFD- Top 1%; ranked # 9 of 6,569
SDAFD- Top 1%
SF- Top 1%; ranked #8 of 6,569
%F>30%- Top 1%; ranked #9 of 6,569
MSL- Top 1%
FW- Top 1%