2012 Fleece

2017 cria Skyline's Sassafras

Bred to Jedi Master
Skyline's Peruvian Milana

Huacaya, Female, Proven | True Black

ARI# 31133869, D.O.B. 6/27/2008, Full Peruvian

Sire: Accoyo America Phoenix ARI# 851807 Medium Fawn  
Dam: My Peruvian Axial ARI# 833403 True Black  
Service Sire: Skyline's Jedi Master ARI# 31612685 True Black Due Date: 5/24/2018  


Milana is now for sale individually, but she is also available in our special Foundation Female package: CLICK HERE to view this outstanding package!. Or view our Make Your Own Pregnant Female Package, CLICK HERE to view this outstanding package!

Milana is a full Peruvian TB out of one of our best herdsires, Accoyo America Phoenix. Phoenix’s Dam was the famous TB Camilio daughter -Pacific Crest Camilio’s Phoenicia. These Black daughters that Phoenix produces are really amazing. For Milana’s 2018 cria we have rebred her to Skyline’s Jedi Master, our TB herdsire -sired by Dark Shaddow. This combination produced a gorgeous TB female in 2012. Now owned by Pamela Ray. Milana gave us an outstanding TB female cria out of Celio in 2017. Since we want to keep this cria and we need to downsize that puts us in the position of offering Milana for sale. Milana ribboned in all three, level 4 or 5 shows she attended, getting a 2nd, 3rd, & 4th ribbon. Milana is 9 years old.


- 2008 Alpacapalooza Juv. FF Halter
- 2009 Great Western Alpaca Show Juv. FF Halter
- 2009 CABA Classic Juv. FF Halter